NKC Hunt Rules

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NKC Hunt Rules

NKC Official Money Hunt Rules

General Information:

A. All casts must hunt two (2) hours or until cast winner is determined. (Major Hunts)

  1. Casts must hunt one (1) hour. ($15.00)
  2. Casts must hunt two (2) hours. (Open Events)

B. Scorekeepers are to be appointed by the sponsoring club and/or N.K.C.
C. Scorecards should be filled out in the woods, signed by each handler and judge. Any questions should be placed on the scorecard at time of incident. Then finish hunt and return to club for three man panel decision. (Panel decision will be final)
D. To bring a question back to a panel, handler must give the Judge $50.00 or I.O.U. for major hunts; $25.00 or I.O.U. for open hunts.
E. A cast should not return to clubhouse to have a question heard until hunt time is complete, unless question pertains to dog or handler being scratched from the cast.
F. After one (1) minute of each turnout, the handler must call his/her dog when it opens on or before third bark. If dog fails to continue track the first time, dog will be minused; second time will be minused and warned; third time will be scratched.
G. Ten minute rule: Any dog barking in same place for period of ten (10) minutes will be scratched unless called treed. If it is obvious that dog is barking treed in same place and dog should pause for more than two (2) minutes or leave area and return, a new ten (10) minute rule will be applied. At this time, handler to be advised of new time unless called treed. If handler fails to call dog treed, handler will be scratched.
H. For a dog to get plus or minus strike points, it must be struck prior to one dog being declared treed, unless treeing on a separate tree. The strike points must be recorded when the dog opens on or before the third bark. If treeing on the same tree, the strike points will be deleted. If treed on a separate tree, the strike points will be plus, minus, or deleted accordingly.
I. Dog may wear tracking collar during hunt, handler may take transmitter to the woods. However, transmitter may not be used until time out is called. If found using transmitter device during time in, handler will be scratched and disciplinary action taken.
J. Dog may wear electronic training collar; however, transmitter must be left in the vehicle.
K. Ties will be broken in the following manner:

  1. Dog with most plus tree points
  2. Dog with most plus strike points.
  3. Dog with most total circle points.
  4. Dog with most circle tree points.
  5. Dog with least minus points.
  6. If still tied, dogs tied will continue the cast until tie is broken. (No time outs)

L. When decision on scoring dogs is made, on each individual occasion, it must be announced to the handlers by the Judge.
M. To qualify for Nite Champion, you must earn $500.00; Grand Nite Champion, earn $2,000.00; Super Grand Nite Champion, earn $8,000.00. All earnings count, except calcuttas and added purses.
N. The handler with the most to gain on the tree will be allowed to shine the tree for two (2) minutes alone. Then all handlers may shine. After a total of five (5) minutes shining time, handlers may blow coon squaller for remainder of shining time.
O. If dogs are split treed, you score in most convenient order. You may call time out in between split trees to save hunting time, if all dogs are treed. Use eight (8) minute rule to shine each tree.
P. Non-working dog: Dog who has no tree points, (circle or plus) can’t place over dog who has circle or plus tree points.
Q. (Spectators allowed on open events only) No spectators allowed on major hunts.
Scoring Of Plus Points:
A. Strike points awarded: 100, 75, 50, 25 in that order.
B. Tree points awarded: 100, 75, 50, 25 in that order.
C. Dogs called treed:

  1. Second tree closed after first dog treed one (1) minute.
  2. Third tree closed after first dog treed two (2) minutes.
  3. After two (2) minutes all dogs treed will receive 25 points.

D. Plus points will be awarded if non-hunting Judge sees coon. (Major Hunts)
E. Plus points will be awarded if coon seen by majority of cast. (Open Hunts)
F. Split trees shall be considered as one (1) strike, but separate tree points.
G. Coon seen in hole, tile, etc. will be both plus strike and tree points for dogs declared treed. Plus strike points only for dogs not called treed. Coon caught on ground will be plus strike points only.

Scoring Of Points Minus:

A. When dog strikes or trees any off game.
B. A track will be declared ended if no dog barks for six (6) minute period after declared struck.
C. C. When dog is declared treed leaves tree. If dog returns to tree within five (5) minutes dog will be re-treed for next available position.
D. When dog quits trail and returns to handler. If he/she is restruck, he/she will receive twenty-five (25) strike points.
E. When dog or dogs have been declared treed, one (1) dog must bark at least every two (2) minutes.
F. When dog is declared treed and it is obvious that no coon is there. Then minus strike and tree points.

Scoring Of Points Circled:

A. When dog is struck and treed where coon could be, but is not found.

Points Will Be Deleted:

A. When dog returns to tree previously scored.
B. When dogs are trailing after hunt is over.
C. When time out must be called.

  1. Time out to be called by Judge (On Major Hunts)
  2. Time out to be called by majority of cast (On Open Hunts)

D. Any dog coming into an off-game tree after the cast arrives will receive deleted strike points.

Dogs Shall Be Scratched:

A. Any dog handled three (3) times on same tree will be scratched.
B. If dog fails to hunt within any fifteen (15) minute period. A dog must be gone five (5) minutes to be considered hunting. The handler has the right to walk in the direction the guide wishes. If dog is not gone a full five (5) minutes, the fifteen (15) minutes will continue to run each time in and out.
C. If dogs caught fighting, first offense – scratched. If dog interferes with dogs by growling, face barking, riding females, etc., first offense – warning, second offense – scratched.
D. Chasing any domestic stock. (First offense)
E. If handler is drinking or abusive in any way to impair the success of the hunt.
F. Time out should be a maximum of one (1) hour. Handler must have dog ready to re-cast by end of one (1) hour or be scratched. G. If handler encourages or discourages dog.

NKC Official Nite Hunt Trophy Rules – Revised June 2009

I. General Information

A. All cast must hunt full 3 hours, or 2 hours as advertised
B. Casts shall consist of 3 or 4 dogs with one handler each.
C. Scorekeepers are to be appointed by the sponsoring club.
D. Master of Hounds must stay at clubhouse, and may not have a dog in hunt.
E. No cast will receive points that return to clubhouse after deadline.
F. Senior Citizens cast, 55 or older, may hunt separately, if 3 – or 4 – dog cast, except in special title hunts where all dogs must be drawn out together.
G. Club may choose to award trophies, cash, etc.
H. After the first 3 minutes of the hunt, handier must claim his dog when it opens on or before the 3rd bark, or handler will be scratched for not calling his dog.
I. A dog must have plus points in order to win a cast or advance to another round in an elimination style hunt. A cast cannot be won with circle points.

II. Scoring of Points Plus

A. Strike points shall be awarded as 100,75,50, and 25, in that order.
B. Tree points shall be awarded 100,75,50, and 25, in that order (Only 10 minutes allowed to search tree).
C. Plus points are to be awarded if a non-hunting judge sees the coon. If using a hunting judge, the majority of the cast must see the coon.
D. When dog is declared treed, other dogs have five minutes to reach tree.
E. Split trees shall be considered as one coon on strike points but separate tree points will be awarded.
F. When coon is seen in tree other than one treed upon; the tree limbs must touch before plus points can be awarded. In case coon has crossed to a joining tree, dogs declared treed will receive both plus strike and tree points. Dogs not declared treed will receive minus strike points.
G. Coon seen in hole, tile, etc., will be both strike and tree points for dog declared treed. Plus strike only for dogs not declared treed.
H. Coon caught on ground will be plus strike only.

III. Scoring of Points Minus

A. When dog strikes or trees any game other than coon.
B. When dog opens and fails to tree.
C. A track shall be declared ended if no dog barks for a period of 8 minutes. In hilly terrain, it may be necessary to go to the top of the hill if dogs went out of hearing before starting the 8-minute clock.
D. When dog is declared treed leaves the tree. (Dog may come out to meet handler.) If dog starts trailing just its tree points will be minused. If dog returns to tree within 5 minutes, it shall be retreed for the next available position. If all dogs have been declared treed, dog will receive 25 points for returning to tree before tree is closed.
E. When dog quits trail and returns to handler. If he reenters he will be given 25 points and minused each time he comes back.
F. When dog or dogs have been declared treed, one dog must tree bark at least every two minutes until cast arrives at tree or all dogs treed will be minused. Tree will be declared open.
G. When dog is declared treed and it is obvious that no coon is there (treeing slick).

IV. Scoring of Points Circled

A. When dog is trailing when time runs out.
B. When dog trees in a hole or den where a coon could be hiding or returns to a hole or tree previously scored.
C. Hole rule defined: If dogs indicate by tree barking, scratching, etc. the track to be finished, handlers may tree dogs; however, if handlers choose not to tree dogs, judge must allow handlers to proceed to hole without treeing dogs. If one dog shows hole, all dogs will be circled. If no dog shows hole, points will be minused.
D. When any type interference hinders proper completion of hunt. Scorekeeper shall call time and circle all dogs.
E. Dogs not to be minused strike points for coming to tree after the five minutes have elapsed unless the dogs declared treed receive either plus or minus points. If tree is circled, all dogs are circled.

V. Dogs Shall Be Scratched

A. If dog fails to hunt within any 30-minute period.
B. If dog scores 300 minus points regardless of plus or circle points.
C. If dog interferes with other dogs by growling, fighting, face barking, smelling females or any other way. Scorekeeper shall decide which dog or dogs are at fault. Club must report to N .K.C.
D. Chasing any domestic stock (first offense).
E. If handler is drinking or abusive in any way to impair the success of the hunt.
F. If dog fails to open on trail (2nd offense when coon is seen).
G. Nite Champion or Grand Nite Champion dogs will be scratched for running or treeing off game.
H. For delay of cast for 1 hour.
I. If handler shouts encouragement or discouragement or hits dog.
J. After the first 3 minutes of the hunt any dog that leaves the handler babbling will be scratched on the 2nd offense. Babbling means when a dog is released and he opens 3 times where no track is evident.

VI. For a dog to get plus or minus strike points, it must be struck prior to one dog being declared treed unless treeing on a separate tree. The strike points must be recorded when the dog opens three times. If treeing on the same tree, the strike points will be circled. If treed on a separate tree, the strike points will be plussed, minused, or circled accordingly.

VII. When tree is scored or track is finished scorekeeper must announce points given to each dog, before dogs are re-cast.

VIII. Time Outs to be called by the scorekeeper at any time men and dogs are in danger, cast becomes lost, new territory is needed, and anytime he feels that it would be beneficial to the successful completion of the hunt if no dog is trailing or treed.

IX. Scorecards should be filled out in the woods, and signed by each handler. Any complaint must be made to the Master of Hounds, within 20 minutes after returning to the clubhouse. The Master of Hounds’ decision is final.

X. Scorekeeper can demand that handlers call their dogs after 3rd bark. Handlers refusing to call dog after second warning will be scratched. Dogs found treeing off game but not called by handler will be minus. Dogs found treeing coon but not called treed by handler will be circled.

XI. Ties shall be broken in the following manner: 1st Dog with the least minus points; 2nd Dog with the most plus tree points; 3rd Dog with the most strike plus points; 4th Dog with the most total circled tree points; and 5th If still a tie the Master of Hounds shall toss a coin with handlers chosen alphabetically (last name) to call the toss.

XII. In split trees, score 1st tree as part of hunt. Call time out and score other tree or trees.


Champion: To qualify as Nite Champion, a dog must have 100 points with a first place. Points awarded are: 1st-40, 2nd-35, 3rd-30, 4th-25, 5th-20, 6th-& 7th-15, 8th & 9th-10, 10th-5. Dog must have plus points to be a cast winner and to receive champion points. Cast winners place first then all other dogs with plus points to place.
Grand Champion: To qualify as a Grand Nite Champion, a dog must win five (5) champion hunts with plus points. Only one dog is given a champion win per hunt. (Unless the hunt is a State or Special Title Hunt) If only one champion dog is entered, the club must furnish a non-hunting judge and the dog must have the highest overall score over the open class with plus points.
Super Grand Champion: To qualify as a Super Grand Nite Champion, a dog must have eight (8) Super Grand Champion Hunt wins with plus points. To receive a Super Grand Champion win, the dog must hunt with other Nite Grand Champions and be the highest scoring, plus points, cast winner or hunt alone with a non hunting judge and have the most plus points of all other dogs entered into the hunt.

XIV. Clubs have the authority to refuse entry of any dog or handler that has caused trouble at any previous event. Handlers or owners physically or verbally abusing judges, other handlers, club officers, or anyone associated with an NKC event shall be scratched and a report sent to NKC Any dog scratched three times for fighting will be barred from all NKC events for a period of 3 years to life, at the discretion of NKC Persons scratched three times for verbal abuse will be barred from all NKC events for three years to life. Persons physically striking or threatening anyone at an NKC event with a gun or other weapon will be barred from all NKC events from 3 years to life for first offense, at discretion of NKC

XV. Owner or handler may use tracking collar anytime after time-out has been called. If used during time-in dog will be scratched.

XVI. All Dogs must be NKC registered to hunt; any dog not registered may be registered at hunt and may participate in the hunt.

XVII. All NKC night hunts must be advertised in at least one coonhound magazine, or no championship points will be awarded.

XVIII. Final reports must be mailed to the NKC office within 10 days.

XIX. If after a hunt is completed, the club learns that cheating may have taken place, the club should do the following: A. Notify NKC by phone within the 10-day period that cheating possibly occurred and that the hunt report will be delayed. B. Within two weeks of notifying NKC, the club officers and Board of Directors must have a special meeting and decide to either scratch the cast or to accept the scores. C. NKC must receive the results of the hunt within 6 working days of this meeting.

NKC Squirrel Hunt Honor Rules – September 1st 2023
The new rule under scoring of minus points for babbling dogs has been removed until further clarification can be made and the penalty for releasing a leash locked dog had been clarified.
Printable Rules Click Here
NKC rules are to be used at all NKC sanctioned Squirrel Hunts!


a) Club must state when the scheduling hunt if the hunt is open to All NKC registered dogs or if the hunt will be breed specific such as Cur and Feist type dogs only or a specific breed of dog such as Stephens Cur, Leopard Cur, etc. Club must specify when scheduling if a hunt is a special titled hunt (State, World, etc.) where all dogs compete for same title.
b) Club shall post deadlines and furnish hunting or non-hunting judges.
c) Casts shall consist of 3 dogs whenever possible. 2 dog cast to be used when necessary. Casts are drawn after close of entries.
d) Senior citizens (55 or older) or physically handicapped may hunt together by dog’s weight class whenever possible.
e) Casts for youths (17 & under) and Ladies only allowed if host the club supplies an adult non-hunting judge.
f) A multiple number of dogs entered by one owner or kennel will not be drawn in same cast whenever possible.
g) Dogs will hunt in following weight classes: 1st 25 lbs. and under, 2nd 26 to 40 lbs., 3rd 41 lbs. and over. When above classes are not possible, dogs will hunt in another weight class that will be left to the discretion of the Master of Hounds.  Dogs are subjected to be weighed prior to the start of each hunt.  If the hunt is a State, World or titled hunt, all dogs may be drawn out together regardless of weight whenever possible, if there are 30 or more dogs entered in hunt that are drawn out together there will be 3-1st places and 3- champion wins awarded.
h) Clubs may choose to award trophies, cash, etc.
I) Entries will not be accepted after the deadline, unless waiting in line when deadline expires.
j) If the club uses a Master of Hounds who wishes to hunt or has a dog in hunt, prior to the dogs being cast the club must form a Master of Hound committee (3 or more persons). There must be a unanimous vote by all registered hunters approving committee or the master of hounds cannot hunt or have dog in hunt.
k) A dog must have plus points to win cast in regular hunt; however, in an elimination style hunt if a cast comes in with no plus points in the initial rounds, the dog with the highest circle points will advance to the next round. If in the following round the dogs with circle points do not have plus points or come in with dead casts, the winner of the hunt will be decided by the previous cast with plus points.  The final round cast can only be won with plus points. Dog must have plus points to win hunt, with cast winners placing first.

l) Cell phones may used for emergency purposes only. Anyone caught using a cell phone for non-emergency use will be disqualified from hunt and possible ban from future NKC events
m) Hand held tracking systems may be carried and used during hunts including cell phone operated devices (Dogtra & Download training apps included). No training collars, dummy trainers, devices capable of stimulation or tone or altered collars may be used at any time. Inspections of collars should take place by the cast majority or non-hunting judge prior to starting the hunt. Anyone found to be using their tracking device to tree their dog will be scratched after a cast vote, or by a non-hunting judge. If a handler deems their dog to be in danger, they may ask for a cast vote for a time out after all dogs are treed or handled. If a majority is not reached the handler may withdraw then handle the dog due to safety concerns.  If the handler has not returned to cast with the dog within the 30-minutes the dog will be scratched. Only 1 time out will be allowed per dog during the hunt for emergency purposes.  Violation of these rules may result in disciplinary actions which will result in a band from competing in NKC sanctioned events.
n) Lazer pointers and thermal devised may be used after tree is closed to locate squirrel. If a device is used, any findings from using device must be shared by all participants on the cast.  This is to prevent one person from have an unfair advantage.  If owner of devise isn’t willing to allow other participants to share in the results of using the devise, the devise will not be allowed to be used on cast.
o) 1 spectator per hunter for a total of 3 spectators will be allowed go with a cast. They cannot comment, make suggestions or interfere with hunt; if they do, they must leave the cast.
p) All club hunts shall be either a 2- or 3-hour hunt and should be posted. The only exception is for an elimination style hunt where the first round will be 90 minutes and all following rounds will be 1 hour. All hunting rounds will have a deadline given and will be written on the scorecard.
q) A non-hunting individual may broadcast a play by play back to club house on the final round only of a hunt.


a) The Judge must keep cast together. Anyone found trying to distance themselves from Judge or cast to hunt from any type of electronic devise will be scratched from hunt.
b) The Judge must score dogs in the order they are declared treed. Hunting judge must tie his dog, if declared treed, and score dogs.
c) The Judge should arrive at tree first.
d) It is the handler’s responsibility to inform the Judge of his dog’s abnormal behavior.
e) It is the responsibility of each handler to check for correctness before signing the scorecard.
f) It is the responsibility of owner or handler to notify the entry taker of multiple entries.


a) Tree points awarded shall be: 1st 125, 2nd 50, 3rd 25.
b) The Majority of the cast or non-hunting judge must see the squirrel (2 people in either a 2 or 3-dog cast.)
c) Dogs declared treed may receive plus points if squirrel is seen timbering or on the ground. Even if squirrel goes into den, etc.
d) When dog(s) are declared treed cast may move at a moderate pace close enough to see dogs working, but must wait 2 minutes after dogs are declared treed, unless all dogs are declared treed or hunt time expires before going to the tree. After 2 minutes tree is closed to other dogs. Dogs coming into declared tree after tree is closed must be leashed so not to interfere with treed dogs.
e) Dogs will be considered leashed locked if all dogs on the cast are declared treed at the same time. If one dog is still hunting at large, dogs are not leashed locked and can be turned loose from leash to return to hunting. Penalty for turning dog loose while being leashed locked will result in -125(1st tree points).
f) Squirrel must be seen in declared tree or tree that squirrel could have timbered to. Distance not to exceed 60 measurable feet from base of declared tree.
g) 5 Minutes allotted to search tree even when hunt time has expired.
h) Handler can tree their own dog at their own discretion, however if handler chooses not to tree dog to hold dog back from advancing, dog will be minused.
i) Spilt trees awarded when dogs are declared treed; on separate trees 60 measurable feet from base of tree apart or when open space is large enough between trees so squirrel could not have timbered.
j) If squirrel is caught, and not declared treed before, no points will be awarded.
k) A dog must bark before it can be declared treed.
l) Clapping, vine pulling and shaking is allowed ONLY after the tree is closed.


a) When dog declared treed leaves tree before cast arrives and ties dog.
b) When dog(s) are declared treed one dog must bark each 2 minutes until cast arrives within sight of the dogs.
c) When dog is declared treed on a tree, that obviously contains no squirrel within 60 measurable feet of the tree or that squirrel could not have timbered from.
d) If declared treed dog leaves tree and/ or quits hunting then goes back to same tree while tree is open the dog can re-treed. Dog will be minused for first points and then at place where it is called treed the second time.
e) When approaching a closed tree, all dogs must show active treeing within 60 feet of the base of tree. If a dog isn’t showing active treeing a 15 second rule may invoked meaning the dog has 15 seconds from that point to show active treeing or be given minus points that will be determined by the treed placement of dog.


a) When a dog is declared treed on a den, hole, or other tree where squirrel may be hiding.
b) When dog(s) returns to previously scored tree and can be seen by the majority of cast or non-hunting judge, go to tree and lead dogs away. If points are recorded draw a line through the points.


a) If dog fails to hunt during any consecutive 45-minute period.
b) If seen by non-hunting judge or majority of cast chasing domestic animals (first offense).
c) If dog interferes with other dogs by growling, fighting, face barking, smelling females, or any other way.
d) If dog becomes lost and delays cast for 1 hour (while timeout is called).
e) If handler encourages, discourages or hits his dog. (This will be strictly enforced.)
f) If dog has accumulated 450 minus points.
g) If handler is drinking alcohol, taking non prescribed/illegal drugs or abusive in any way.
h) If handler, owner or spectator conducts themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner.
i) If scorecard is returned after deadline.
j) If cast fails to hunt the full 2 or 3 hours as advertised by club.
k) If dog is seen by majority of cast or non-hunting judge running game other than tree game (second offense).
l) No female dog will be allowed to hunt if dog is in any cycle of heat.

VII. OFF GAME – No dog is to receive plus or minus points for treeing, holing, or catching off game such as raccoon, cat, opossum, ground hog, chipmunk etc. (normally classed as tree game). Just draw a line through score if any recorded. Flying squirrels are treated as a squirrel but they must be seen to be counted.


a) Should be completed and signed in woods. If there is a question of a judge’s decision, place a “?” on the scorecard.
b) Protests must be made within 20 minutes after cast reaches clubhouse, The Master of Hound/Master of Hounds Committee has the final decision on any protest at a hunt.


Dog with least minus points; Dog with most plus first trees; Dog with most circle points; If there is still a tie, the Master of Hound’s will toss a coin with the handler calling.

X. CHEATING – If a Club learns cheating has occurred all dogs involved will be scratched and no points given. The NKC must be notified of this action.


CHAMPION: To qualify as Squirrel Champion, a dog must have 100 points with a first place. Points awarded are: 1st-40, 2nd-35, 3rd-30, 4th-25, 5th-20, 6th-& 7th-15, 8th & 9th-10, 10th-5. Dog must have plus points to be a cast winner and to receive champion points. Cast winners place first then all other dogs with plus points to place.
GRAND CHAMPION: To qualify as a Grand Squirrel Champion, a dog must win five (5) champion hunts with plus points. Only one dog is given a champion win per hunt. (Unless the hunt is a State or Special Title Hunt, 30 or more entries and all dogs hunt together) If only one champion dog is entered, the club must furnish a non-hunting judge and the dog must have the highest overall score over the open class with plus points.
SUPER GRAND CHAMPION: To qualify as a Super Grand Squirrel Champion, a dog must have eight (8) Grand Champion Hunt wins with plus points. To receive a Super Grand Champion win, the dog must hunt with other squirrel grand champions or be the highest scoring, plus points, cast winner of all dogs entered.

XII. HUNTING DENIED – The Club has the authority to refuse entry of any dog without current NKC paperwork or if dog does not meet the breed standard for the breed they are registered as. Any dog, owner, or handler that has caused trouble at a previous hunt. Any handler or owner who physically or verbally abuses any person associated with the hunt, or dogs that have been reported for fighting 3 times will be barred from all NKC events for a period of 1 year to life. The Club must send a report to NKC office within 10 days.

XIII. ELIGIBLE ENTRIES – Any NKC registered dog may hunt unless the dog, owner or handler had been barred for previous misconduct. Dogs that are not NKC registered, must be registered at the hunt to participate in the hunt and receive championship points

XIV. XVII. FILING REPORTS: Hunt Reports must be mailed to NKC within 10 working days. After 10 days a $10.00 penalty is assessed.

XV. DUAL SANTIONED EVENTS: No other dog events licensed by other registries may be held the same day or weekend NKC licensed hunts or events are scheduled, except hunts or events by the Breed Association of a single breed. Clubs violating this rule may forfeit the right to sponsor any NKC events at the discretion of NKC. Two sanctioned hunts cannot be conducted the same time.

Cur & Feist Only Nite Hunt Honor Rules – Revised June 2009

I General Information:

A. Dogs registered with the NKC as a Cur or Feist breed are permitted to hunt. Any dog not NKC registered must be registered the day of the hunt to participate in hunt.
B. All Casts Must hunt for 3 hours, or 2 hours as advertised.
C. Cast shall consist of 3 dogs with one handler each. 2-dog cast to be used when necessary. Club must furnish non-hunting judge for 2-dog cast.
D. Clubs have the option of hunting all size dogs together or dividing entry into sizes: 1st dogs under 15 inches, 2nd dogs measuring between 15 and 21 inches; and 3rd all dogs over 21 inches tall.
E. Scorekeepers are to be appointed by the sponsoring club.
F. No cast to receive points that return to clubhouse after deadline.
G. Senior citizens cast, 55 or older, or physically handicapped, may hunt separately except in special title hunts where all dogs must be drawn out together
H. Club may choose to award trophies, cash etc.
I. A dog must have plus points in order to win a cast or advance to another round in an elimination style hunt. A cast can not be won with circle points.
J. All Cell Phones and other electronic devices will be left in the truck and not taken to the woods with the exception of Tracking Receivers as indicated in rule XVIII and judges may take cell phone in woods for emergency purposes only.
K. No female dog will be allowed to hunt if dog is in any cycle of heat.


a) The Judge must keep cast together whenever possible.
b) The Judge must score dogs in the order they are declared treed. Hunting judge must tie his dog, if declared treed, and score dogs.
c) The Judge should arrive at tree first.
d) It is the handler’s responsibility to inform the Judge of his dog’s abnormal behavior.
e) It is the responsibility of each handler to check for correctness before signing the scorecard.
f) It is the responsibility of owner or handler to notify the entry taker of multiple entries.

III Scoring of Points Plus:

A. Strike points shall be awarded as 50, 25, and 15, in that order. Dog will be declared struck on or before 3rd bark whether on trail or tree.
B. Tree pints shall be awarded as 100, 75, and50, in that order. Only 10 minutes are allowed to search tree.
C. Plus points to be awarded if a non-hunting judge sees the coon. If using a hunting judge, the majority of the cast must see the coon.
D. When dog is declared treed, other dogs have 5 minutes to reach the tree.
E. Split trees shall be considered as one coon on strike points but separate tree points will be awarded.
F. When a coon is seen in the tree, other than one treed upon, the tree limbs must touch (or vines, dead limb, etc.) before plus points can be awarded. In case coon has crossed to a joining tree, dogs declared treed will receive both plus strike and tree points. Dogs not declared treed, and at the tree, will receive minus strike points.
G. Coon seen in hole, tile, etc. will be both plus strike and tree points for dogs declared treed. Plus strike only for dogs not declared treed.

IV Scoring of Points Minus:

A. Off game- no dog to receive plus or minus points for treeing, holing or catching off game such as cat, opossum, groundhog, squirrel, etc. (normally classed as tree game). Just draw a line through score if any recorded.
B. A track shall be declared ended if no dog barks for a period of ten minutes. In hilly terrain it may be necessary to go to the top of the hill if dogs went out of hearing before starting the ten-minute clock.
C. When dog declared treed leaves the tree. (Dog may come out to meet handler.) If dog starts trailing just its tree points will be minus. If dog returns to tree within 5 minutes, it shall be retreed for the next available position. If all dogs have been declared treed, dog will receive 50 points for returning to the tree before cast arrives at tree. If dog comes to tree after cast arrives strike points will be minus.
D. When dog trees and it is obvious that no coon is in the tree.
E. When dog quits trail and returns to handler. If he re-enters he will be given the available points and minused each time he comes back.
F. When dog or dogs have been treed, one dog must tree bark at least every two minutes until cast arrives at tree or all dogs treed will be minused. Tree will be declared open.

V Scoring of Points Circled:

A. When dog is trailing when time runs out.
B. When dog trees in a hole or den where a coon could be hiding. If dog returns to a hole or tree previously scored, draw a line through the points.
C. Hole rule defined: if dogs indicate by tree barking, scratching, etc., the track to be finished, handlers may tree dogs; however if handlers choose not to tree dogs, judge must allow handler to proceed to hole without treeing dogs. If one dog shows hole, all dogs will be circled. If no dogs shows hole, points will be minused.
D. When any type interference hinders proper completion of hunt, scorekeeper shall call time and circle all dogs.
E. Dogs not to be minused strike points for coming to tree after the five minutes have elapsed unless the dogs declared treed receive either plus or minus points. If tree is circled, all dogs are circled.

VI Dogs will be Scratched:

A. If dog fails to hunt within any 45-minute period.
B. If dog’s score becomes 450 minus.
C. If dog interferes with other dogs by growling, fighting, face barking, smelling females, or any other way. Scorekeeper shall decide which dog or dogs are at fault. Club must report fighting dogs to NKC.
D. Chasing any domestic stock (first Offense).
E. If handler is drinking or abusive in any way to impair the success of the hunt.
F. For delay of cast for 1 hour.
G. If handler shouts encouragement or discouragement or hits dog.
H. After the first 3 minutes of the hunt any dog that leaves the handler babbling will be scratched on the second offense. Babbling means when a dog is released and he opens 3 times where no track is evident.
I. After the first 3 minutes of the hunt, the handler must claim his dog when it opens on or before the 3rd bark or the handler will be scratched for not calling his dog.

VII Time outs to be called by the scorekeeper at any time the hunters and/or dogs are in anger, cast becomes lost, new territory is needed and any time he feels that it would be beneficial to the successful completion of the hunt if no dog is trailing or treed.

VIII When dog strikes or trees any game other than a coon, place a line through points.

IX Scorekeeper can demand that handlers call their dogs after 3rd bark. Handler refusing to call dog after second warning will be scratched. Dog will be treed at handler discretion.

X For a dog to get plus or minus strike pints, it must be struck prior to one dog being declared treed unless treeing on separate tree. The strike points must be recorded when the dog opens three times. If treeing on the same tree, the strike points will have a line drawn through them. If treed on a separate tree, the strike points will be plussed, minused, or circled accordingly.

XI Scorecards should be filled out in the woods & signed by each handler. Any complaint must be made to the Master of Hound’s within 20 minutes after returning to the clubhouse. The Master of Hound’s decision is final. It is the responsibility of each handler to check for correctness before signing scorecard.

XII Ties shall be broken in the following manner: 1st dog with the least minus points; 2nd dog with the most plus tree points; 3rd dog with the most strike plus points; 4th dog with the most total circle tree points; and 5th if still a tie the Mater of Hound’s shall toss a coin with handlers chosen alphabetically (last name) to call the toss.


Champion: To qualify as Nite Champion, a dog must have 100 points with a first place. Points awarded are: 1st-40, 2nd-35, 3rd-30, 4th-25, 5th-20, 6th-& 7th-15, 8th & 9th-10, 10th-5. Dog must have plus points to be a cast winner and to receive champion points. Cast winners place first then all other dogs with plus points to place.
Grand Champion: To qualify as a Grand Nite Champion, a dog must win five (5) champion hunts with plus points. Only one dog is given a champion win per hunt. (Unless the hunt is a State or Special Title Hunt) If only one champion dog is entered, the club must furnish a non-hunting judge and the dog must have the highest overall score over the open class with plus points.
Super Grand Champion: To qualify as a Super Grand Nite Champion, a dog must have eight (8) Grand Champion Hunt wins with plus points. To receive a Super Grand Champion win, the dog must hunt with other squirrel Nite champions and be the highest scoring, plus points, cast winner or hunt alone with a non hunting judge and have the most plus points of all other dogs entered into the hunt.

XIV Club has authority to refuse entry of any dog or handler that has caused trouble at a previous hunt. Handler or owner physically or verbally abusing any person associated with hunt will be barred from all NKC events for a period of 1 year to life. (Club must send report to NKC office within 10 days.) Dogs reported for fighting three times will be barred from all NKC events for 1 year to life.

XV All NKC Cur and/or Feist hunts must be advertised in Full Cry magazine, or no championship points will be awarded.

XVI Final reports must be mailed to the NKC office within 10 days.

XVII If after a hunt is completed, the club learns that cheating may have taken place, the club should do the following: 1st notify NKC by phone within the 10-day period that cheating possibly occurred and that the hunt report will be delayed. 2nd within two weeks of notifying NKC, the club officers and Board of Directors must have a special meeting and decide to either scratch the cast or to accept the scores. 3rd NKC must receive the results of the hunt within 6 working days of this meeting.

XVIII No training collars or dummy trainers allowed, but dogs may be equipped with a tracking collar under the following conditions: Owner/Handler of dog may take and use the tracking receiver in the woods to locate the dog only after the dog has been scratched by handler or judge, the hunt has been completed or timeout has been called for that purpose , and only if all dogs are handled. If other dogs in cast are still hunting, a time out cannot be called until those dogs are treed or handle, then the timeout can be called. If handler has not returned to the cast with the dog with in 1 hour the dog will be scratched. Only 1 time out will be allowed per dog during the hunt

  • A dog must be NKC registered to be shown at an NKC sanctioned bench show.
  • Any dog that has been spayed or neutered cannot be shown in the bench show.
  • Any Female dog in estrous (heat cycle) cannot be show in the bench show.
Any Female dog in estrous (heat cycle) cannot be show in the bench show. Female Bench Show (Done for each breed) Winners of each age division moves up to the Best of breed Female
Puppy age division (6 months up to under1 year) 15 points
Junior age division (1 to under 2 year) 15 points
Senior age division (2 years old & up) 15 points


Male Bench Show (Done for each breed) Winners of each age division moves up to the Best of breed Male
Puppy age division (6 months up to under 1 year) 15 points
Junior age division (1 to under 2 year) 15 points
Senior age division (2 years old & up) 15 points


Go through each breed until you have the best of breed female for every breed of dog registered an additional 10 points.

Go through each breed until you have the best of breed male for every breed of dog registered an additional 10 points.

Bring back every best of breed females to be shown against each other for the overall Best of Show female an additional 10 points.

Bring back every best of breed males to be shown against each other for the overall Best of Show male and additional 10 points.

The most points that can be awarded at an NKC sanction bench show is 35 points.

All male & female Champion dogs are shown together for the Best Champion of Show and win.

All male & female Grand Champion dogs are shown together for the Best Grand Champion of Show and win.

All male & female Super Grand Champion dogs are shown together for the Best Grand Super Champion of Show and win.

For State and Specialty Bench Shows when an over all Best of show is given bring back the Best Female, Best Male, Champion, Grand Champion, and Super Grand Champion of the Show to be shown together. One winner is chosen as the over all Best of Show. No points are given for this win, but an award may be given by the club.

Please plan to hold your NKC bench show as follows:

First take entries for EACH BREED and EACH AGE division

Examples: Treeing Curs – You could have 6 entry sheets for Treeing Curs
One set of three age divisions for the females
And one set of three age divisions for the males

Mt Feist – You could have 6 entry sheets for Mt Feist
One set of three age division for the females
And one set of three age divisions for the males

Any registered NKC dog can be show at an NKC sanctioned bench show.

Each breed is to show on the bench separately – Let’s do the Mountain Curs as an example: 6 months to under 1 year old Female pups, then 1 to under 2 year old Junior Females, then 2 years and up Senior Females show. A winner is picked from each age category. They have received Best of Class plaque if you are giving them. Then go thru the 6 months to under 1 year old Male pups, 1 to under 2 years old Junior Males, and 2 years and up Males. A winner is picked from each age category and received a Best of Class plaque if you are giving them. Then you bring back the all the Females that won and show for Best Female of Breed. One female will have two plaques– Best of Class and Best of Breed-Female. Then you bring back the winning Male from each class to pick the Best Male of Breed and he could have two plaques.

This is done for EACH BREED.

Points awarded:
Best of Age – 15 points
Best of Breed – 10 points for a total of 25 points
Best of Show – 10 points for a total of 35 points

To become a Bench Champion a dog must earn 100 points and 1 Best Male or Female of Show.
To become a Grand Bench Champion a dog must have 5 wins as a Bench Champion.
To become a Super Bench Champion a dog must have 5 wins as a Grand Bench Champion.


As dogs are entered put information on the NKC Treeing Contest Entry Form. Be sure to list NKC numbers for all dogs. If a dog is registered at the event, you place “applied” where number is listed.

The club appoints 1 person to conduct the Treeing Contest. This person will choose a timer and 2 counters. Club will announce before the start of the contest if 30 seconds or 60 seconds time limits are chosen. Each dog’s barks will be recorded during the time agreed upon. The top five dogs will be placed 1 through 5 on the Entry Form.

1st place = 25 points.
2nd place = 20 points
3rd place = 15 points
4th place = 10 points
5th place = 5 points

100 points, including a 1st place, will make dog a Tree Champion., 5 Tree Champion wins will make a dog a Grand Tree Champion, and 5 Grand Tree Champion wins will make a dog a Super Grand Tree Champion.

To get a win toward Grand Tree Champion, a Tree Champion dog must score higher than any other Champion participating. If only one Tree Champion is entered, he must have more barks than any of the registered entries to get his Tree Champion Win.

Highest scoring Grand Tree Champion will get win toward Super Grand Tree Champion. If only one Grand Tree Champion is entered, he must have more barks than any of the Tree Champions to get his Grand Tree Champion win (If no Grand Tree Champion. is entered, the dog must have more barks than any of the registered entries to get his win.)

Champion Point Requirements
Dogs must have plus points in the hunt to received points.

Squirrel Money Hunts

$250.00 Squirrel $Champion
$1,000.00 Grand Squirrel $ Champion
$2,500.00 Super Grand Squirrel $ Champion


Coon Money Hunts

$500.00 Nite $ Champion
$2,000.00 Grand Nite $ Champion
$8,000.00 Super Grand Nite $ Champion


Trophy Hunt Points (Coon & Squirrel)

1st Place = 40 points 6th Place =15 points
2nd Place = 35 points 7th Place = 15 points
3rd Place = 30 points 8th Place = 10 points
4th Place = 25 points 9th Place = 10 points
5th Place = 20 points 10th Place = 5 points


Trophy Hunt Champion Requirements (Coon & Squirrel)

100 Points & Including a  First Place

(Coon or Squirrel)

5 Wins

(Champion Class Coon or Squirrel)

Grand Champion
13 Wins

(5 Champion Wins & 8 Grand Champion Wins Coon or Squirrel)

Super Grand Champion

*Points from a scheduled money hunt will not go toward becoming trophy champion, only money value will be awarded in money hunts.