Claude Thomas Memorial
World Championship
Hosted by The National Cur & Feist Breeder Association
NKC Registered Curs & Feist Only
February 24 2018
Clinton Co Fairgrounds, 351 Fairground Rd, Albany, KY 42602
Baymont Inn &Suites 606-387-7738
Royal Inn 606-387-6853
Directions – From the north, 127 south into Albany Ky. turn right on 553, go about ¼ mile, Fairground Rd is on the Left.
From the south, 127 north into Albany Ky. go around the court house, go south on 127, turn right on 553, go about ¼ mile, Fairground is on the left.
Contacts – Leonard Walker 615-347-1062 | Kelly Thomas Portteus 812-798-1606
Greg Champ 765-729-3635 | Jason Harlan 606-688-2202
Must be a member of the NC&FBA to hunt
Cash Prizes: $500 Squirrel Hunt Winner, $300 Nite Hunt Winner
$100 Bench Show Winner, $100 Treeing Contest Winner. All Cash prize winners will be required to provide a picture to the NKC of their winning dog .
The bench show will be after first round of the Squirrel Hunt with the Treeing Contest to follow.
NKC Squirrel Hunt 3 Round Elimination 6:00am CST.
Squirrel Hunt Pre Entry Friday February 23 5:00 -9:00pm CST
NKC Nite Hunt 8pm CST single elimination
Squirrel Hunt $25.00 | Coon Hunt $25.00 | Bench Show $20.00 |Treeing contest $15.00
NCFBA, NKC, Clinton County Fairgrounds, or private landowners not responsible for loss, theft or accidents!
Absolutely no alcohol or non-prescription drugs will be allowed on grounds or hunt!